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Joanna was a prominent woman in the early Christian movement who followed and financially supported Jesus’ ministry. She was married to Chuza, the household manager of Herod Antipas, making her part of the upper class in 1st century Palestine. Despite her social status, Joanna was healed by Jesus and became one of his devoted disciples, traveling with him and providing for his needs out of her own means.

Joanna’s position in Herod’s court gave her unique access to information about Jesus’ trial and resurrection. She was among the women who witnessed Jesus’ empty tomb and reported the news to the apostles. Joanna’s story highlights the courage and faith of early Christian women who chose to follow Jesus despite the risks. Her generosity and commitment to serving Christ had a profound impact on the early church. Though her story is brief, Joanna’s life demonstrates the vital role women played in the spread of Christianity.

Background of Joanna

Her Relationship with Herod’s Court

Joanna’s connection to Herod’s court gave her access to wealth and influence uncommon for most women in 1st century Palestine. As the wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, she likely enjoyed a privileged lifestyle. However, after being healed by Jesus, Joanna did not cling to her status or possessions.

Instead, she used her means to financially support Jesus and the disciples as they traveled, providing for their needs out of her own resources. Joanna’s generosity and commitment to serving Christ transcended her affluent background, demonstrating her deep faith and desire to further the gospel message despite the risks.

The Steward’s Wife

Joanna, the wife of Chuza, steward of Herod Antipas, enjoyed a life of privilege and influence due to her husband’s high-ranking position. As a member of the elite, she had access to the ruling class in Galilee. However, Joanna chose to transcend her affluent lifestyle by dedicating her resources to support Jesus and his ministry. After experiencing healing from Jesus, she became a devoted disciple, using her wealth to provide for him and the other disciples, demonstrating her commitment to a cause greater than her social standing

Joanna’s Faith Journey

Encounter with Jesus

Joanna’s life transformed dramatically upon encountering Jesus, although the specifics of their meeting are not detailed in the Bible. She was among the women healed by Jesus from “evil spirits and infirmities,” which profoundly impacted her life and faith. This healing not only restored her physically but also spiritually, igniting a deep devotion to Jesus.

Joanna chose to follow Him, becoming part of a group of women who supported His ministry. Her unwavering commitment exemplifies the transformative power of faith, showcasing how a single encounter with Jesus can lead to a lifetime of service and dedication.

Luke 8:3 – Joanna’s Role in Supporting Jesus’ Ministry

Joanna’s financial support for Jesus’ ministry was a remarkable act of faith and generosity. As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, she had access to significant wealth and resources. However, rather than using her privilege for personal gain, Joanna chose to dedicate her means to sustaining Jesus and his disciples as they traveled and preached.

Her actions demonstrate a deep commitment to the gospel message and a desire to see it spread. In a time when women’s roles were often limited, Joanna’s example stands out as a testament to the vital part women played in the early Christian movement. Her story reminds us that we can all contribute to God’s work, regardless of our social status or gender.

Joanna as a Witness to the Resurrection

Luke 24:10 – The Women at the Tomb

Joanna’s significance in the biblical narrative is underscored in Luke 24:10, where she is mentioned among the women who visited Jesus’ tomb after His crucifixion. This moment is pivotal as it marks the discovery of the resurrection, a cornerstone of Christian faith. Joanna’s presence at the empty tomb reflects her unwavering commitment to Jesus, showcasing her courage in a time of uncertainty and danger.

Alongside Mary Magdalene and others, she became one of the first witnesses to the resurrection, emphasizing the vital role women played in the early Christian movement and their crucial participation in sharing the message of Jesus’ victory over death.

The Significance of Joanna’s Faith

A Woman of Courage

Joanna’s decision to follow Jesus came at great personal risk. As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, her association with Jesus could have cost her status, wealth, and even her life. Yet, despite the dangers, Joanna chose to dedicate herself to Jesus’ ministry, using her resources to support Him and the disciples.

This courageous act reveals the depth of her faith and commitment to Christ. Joanna’s example reminds us that genuine faith often requires sacrifice and boldness. She was willing to forsake the comforts of her privileged life to serve a higher calling. Joanna’s story inspires us to step out in faith, even when it requires great personal risk.

Joanna’s Example for Modern Women

Joanna’s story serves as a powerful inspiration for women today, illustrating that faith is an active commitment rather than a passive belief. By choosing to follow Jesus despite the risks to her standing in Herod’s court, Joanna demonstrated remarkable courage and dedication.

Her willingness to use her resources, gifts, and talents to support Jesus’ ministry exemplifies how individuals can actively live out their beliefs. Joanna encourages women to take bold steps in their faith, reminding them that true devotion often involves sacrifice and the courage to serve others, regardless of societal expectations or personal cost.

Cultural and Historical Context

The Role of Women in First-Century Palestine

Despite the limitations placed on women in 1st century Palestine, Joanna boldly defied societal expectations. As the wife of Herod’s steward, she had wealth and influence, yet chose to use these privileges to support Jesus’ ministry financially. Joanna traveled with Jesus and the disciples, witnessing His miracles and teachings firsthand. She was among the women who discovered the empty tomb and proclaimed the resurrection, playing a vital role in the early Christian movement. Joanna’s courage and faith stand out as an example of how God can empower women to serve Him regardless of cultural constraints.

Women’s Limitations and Their Contributions

Joanna’s contributions to Jesus’ ministry highlight the essential role women played in the early Christian movement, despite societal restrictions. As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, she utilized her wealth to provide financial support, ensuring the ministry’s sustainability. Her actions were not merely supportive; they demonstrated equal faith and courage alongside male disciples.

Joanna’s presence at critical moments, including the resurrection, underscores her significance. Her story serves as a reminder that women’s contributions were vital to the spread of the Gospel, showcasing that true faith transcends societal norms and expectations.

Joanna’s Financial Support for Jesus

Why Joanna’s Support Was Vital

Joanna’s financial contribution to Jesus’ ministry was crucial, enabling Him and His disciples to travel, preach, and heal across various towns. As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, she had access to considerable wealth, which she chose to use to support Jesus’ mission.

This support allowed Jesus to focus on His teachings without the burden of financial constraints. Joanna’s actions highlight the often-overlooked role of women in the early Christian movement, showcasing their vital contributions and active participation in spreading the Gospel, despite societal limitations on their roles.

Joanna in Contrast to Other Women in the Bible

Mary Magdalene and Joanna

While Mary Magdalene is often celebrated for her deep personal relationship with Jesus, Joanna’s story illustrates the vital yet understated role of women in His ministry. Joanna, as the wife of Chuza, a steward in Herod’s court, utilized her wealth to provide financial support for Jesus and His disciples, ensuring their needs were met during their travels.

Her quiet faithfulness and commitment to service highlight that active participation in faith can take many forms. Joanna’s contributions remind us that both visible and behind-the-scenes efforts are essential in furthering the mission of Christ, showcasing the diverse ways women impact the faith community.

Women in Leadership in the Early Church

Joanna’s role as a supporter of Jesus’ ministry hints at the foundational leadership roles women would later assume in the early Church. As one of the women who traveled with Jesus and provided financial support, Joanna demonstrated that women could actively participate in spiritual leadership, challenging societal norms of her time.

Her dedication and service laid the groundwork for future generations of female leaders in Christianity, illustrating that women’s contributions were essential to the growth and spread of the faith. Joanna’s example encourages the recognition and empowerment of women in ministry today, highlighting their vital roles throughout Christian history.

Lessons from Joanna’s Life

Here are some key lessons we can learn from Joanna’s life, based on her role in the Bible:

1. Faith Requires Action

Joanna didn’t just believe in Jesus—she actively supported His ministry. Her faith moved her to use her resources to further the work of Christ. This teaches us that faith is not passive; it requires action. Whether through time, resources, or talents, our faith should inspire us to contribute to causes we believe in.

2. Courage in Following Jesus

Joanna’s decision to follow Jesus was risky. As the wife of Herod’s steward, her association with Jesus could have jeopardized her position, her wealth, and her safety. Yet, she boldly chose to follow Him. This shows us that following Jesus sometimes comes with risks, and we may need to step out of our comfort zone.

3. Generosity as a Form of Worship

Joanna gave out of her wealth to support Jesus and His disciples, demonstrating that generosity is a form of worship. Her story reminds us that giving—whether financially or through acts of service—is a powerful way to honor God.

4. The Importance of Women in God’s Plan

Joanna’s inclusion in the Bible highlights the crucial role women played in Jesus’ ministry. Her story shows that God values the contributions of both men and women. Women have always been essential in spreading God’s message, and their roles in the Church are just as important today.

5. Witnessing and Sharing the Gospel

Joanna was a witness to the resurrection, one of the most critical events in Christianity. Her presence at the empty tomb shows the importance of being a witness to God’s work. We, too, are called to share our experiences of faith and testify to what God has done in our lives.

6. Sacrificial Giving

Joanna’s generosity was a form of worship. She gave out of her resources to support the work of Jesus, showing us that giving is not just about money, but about heart and commitment.

Joanna’s life teaches us that no matter where we come from or what resources we have, we can make a difference in God’s kingdom by living out our faith with courage, generosity, and conviction.

Characteristics of Joanna in the Bible

Here are some notable characteristics of Joanna, based on her role in the Bible:

1. Faithful

Joanna demonstrated deep faith in Jesus. Despite her privileged position in society, she chose to follow Jesus, putting her trust in Him and His message. Her faith was not just private but visible in her actions and support for His ministry.

2. Generous

Joanna was a woman of great generosity. She used her wealth to financially support Jesus and His disciples, providing for their needs as they traveled and preached. Her willingness to share her resources is a testament to her selfless nature.

3. Courageous

Being connected to Herod’s household, Joanna took significant risks by following Jesus. She could have faced social and political consequences, but she boldly stood by her faith. Her courage allowed her to remain committed to Jesus even when it was dangerous to do so.

4. Compassionate

Joanna’s willingness to help others, particularly Jesus and His disciples, shows her compassionate heart. She didn’t just focus on her own life but sought to contribute to something greater, demonstrating empathy and care for those spreading God’s word.

5. Loyal

Joanna’s loyalty to Jesus is evident through her continued support and her presence at key moments in His life, including His crucifixion and resurrection. Her steadfastness reflects her deep loyalty to Jesus and His mission.

6. Influential

As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, Joanna had access to wealth and a position of influence in Herod’s court. Yet, she used that influence for a higher purpose, supporting the ministry of Jesus and advancing His cause.

7. Humble

Despite her wealth and social status, Joanna showed humility in her dedication to Jesus. She served quietly behind the scenes, contributing to His mission without seeking recognition or fame.

Joanna’s character reflects a powerful combination of faith, courage, generosity, and humility, making her an inspiring figure for both her time and for us today.

How Joanna’s Story Empowers Women Today

Joanna as a Model of Faith

Joanna’s story empowers women today to live out their faith boldly by illustrating that true faith is not merely belief but active engagement. She demonstrated this through her unwavering support of Jesus and His ministry, using her resources to help those in need.

Joanna’s courage in associating with Jesus, despite the risks to her social standing, exemplifies the strength required to stand up for what is right. Her life encourages women to embrace their faith actively, take bold steps in service, and remain steadfast in their convictions, even in challenging circumstances.

Her Legacy in Church History

Though Joanna’s name appears only briefly in the Bible, her legacy endures as an inspiring example of faith, courage, and generosity. As the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, Joanna had wealth and influence, yet she chose to use her resources to support Jesus’ ministry financially. Despite the risks to her social standing, Joanna traveled with Jesus and the disciples, witnessing His miracles and teachings firsthand.

She was among the women who discovered the empty tomb and proclaimed the resurrection, playing a vital role in the early Christian movement. Joanna’s story encourages women today to live with purpose, contribute their gifts to God’s kingdom, and boldly proclaim their faith, regardless of cultural constraints.


Joanna’s story, though brief in the Bible, exemplifies profound faith and generosity that resonates with modern believers. Her willingness to support Jesus financially and spiritually underscores the significance of active faith.

Joanna’s courage in the face of societal risks, her dedication to Jesus’ ministry, and her role as a witness to His resurrection highlight that every act of faith, no matter how small or overlooked, holds immense value in God’s eyes. Her legacy encourages believers today to embody their faith through action, demonstrating that true commitment involves both support and service to others in the pursuit of a greater purpose.



Unique FAQ’s

1. Who was Joanna in the Bible?
Joanna was the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and a follower of Jesus who supported His ministry financially and was a witness to His resurrection.

2. Why is Joanna’s story important?
Joanna’s story highlights the significant role women played in supporting Jesus’ ministry and offers a powerful example of faith, courage, and generosity.

3. How did Joanna support Jesus’ ministry?
Joanna used her wealth and resources to provide financial support for Jesus and His disciples, allowing them to continue their work.

4. What can modern women learn from Joanna?
Joanna’s life teaches modern women the importance of faith, courage, and using their resources to support causes that matter.

5. How is Joanna remembered in Christian tradition?
Though her name appears briefly in the Bible, Joanna is remembered for her faith, her role in Jesus’ ministry, and her witness to the resurrection.

I am Santhidevi Kanneganti a passionate blogger dedicated to empowering women through my profound exploration of women in the Bible. With a mission to highlight the strength, wisdom, and resilience of biblical women, I weaves stories that resonate with modern-day challenges and triumphs. My work is not just about storytelling; it's about inspiration and empowerment. Through my thoughtful and insightful writing, I seek to uplift women everywhere, encouraging them to see their worth, potential, and leadership in every sphere of life. My voice is a beacon for those looking to reconnect with faith, purpose, and self-empowerment. My blog offers a fresh perspective on ancient narratives, translating them into empowering lessons for women today. As an advocate for gender equality and spiritual growth, my work is a blend of reverence for tradition and a call for progress, positioning me as a transformative figure in the world of faith-based writing.

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