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Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus, is a significant figure in the New Testament, known for her profound devotion to Jesus Christ. Her story is highlighted in the Gospels of Luke and John, where she is depicted as a devoted listener and learner, sitting at Jesus’ feet to absorb his teachings.

Mary of Bethany in the Bible

 She is also famous for anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, an act seen as a preparation for his burial. Her actions exemplify the importance of worship, devotion, and the value of spiritual over material concerns, offering lasting lessons on faith and the role of women in early Christianity.

Historical Context

Bethany, a small village near Jerusalem, serves as the backdrop for much of Mary’s story. It was a place where Jesus often found refuge, and the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus became one of His most beloved stops. Understanding the historical and cultural context of Bethany provides deeper insight into the events that unfolded there.

Mary’s family was well-respected, and their home was likely a place of hospitality for Jesus and His disciples. The close relationship between Jesus and this family is evident in the Gospel accounts, where He is seen not only as a guest but as a close friend.

Mary of Bethany’s First Appearance

Mary of Bethany first appears in the Gospel of Luke (10:38-42), where she and her sister Martha welcome Jesus into their home. While Martha busies herself with hosting duties, Mary chooses to sit at Jesus’ feet, a position traditionally reserved for disciples learning from a rabbi. This act signifies her deep desire to absorb Jesus’ teachings, prioritizing spiritual engagement over practical concerns.

Jesus affirms her choice, stating that Mary has chosen “the good portion,” highlighting the value of spiritual devotion. This moment underscores the radical acceptance of women in discipleship roles during a time when such positions were typically male-dominated, illustrating Mary’s commitment to learning from Christ directly.

Understanding Mary’s Devotion

Mary of Bethany’s decision to sit at Jesus’ feet was indeed counter-cultural, as women in her time were typically expected to focus on domestic responsibilities rather than engage in theological discussions. By choosing to listen to Jesus, Mary defied societal norms, demonstrating a profound devotion that transcended expectations.

This act reflects her deep understanding of Jesus’ identity and mission, as she prioritised spiritual growth over conventional roles. Her willingness to learn directly from Jesus highlights the inclusivity of His ministry, affirming that women, too, can be disciples and seekers of truth, thus challenging the limitations imposed by her culture.

The Raising of Lazarus

The story of Lazarus’ raising, found in John 11:1-44, is a profound miracle showcasing Jesus’ authority over life and death. When Lazarus falls ill, Mary and Martha send for Jesus, but He arrives after Lazarus has died. Mary meets Jesus in deep sorrow, expressing her faith by saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32).

Moved by her grief, Jesus weeps and then commands the stone to be rolled away from Lazarus’ tomb. He calls Lazarus out, restoring him to life after four days of death, reinforcing the belief in His power and foreshadowing His own resurrection, thereby strengthening the faith of those present and intensifying opposition from religious leaders.

Anointing of Jesus

In John 12:1-8, Mary of Bethany performs a profound act of devotion by anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, specifically pure nard. This act symbolizes worship and serves as a prophetic preparation for Jesus’ burial. Despite the criticism from Judas Iscariot, who views it as wasteful, Jesus defends Mary, stating that her actions are beautiful and necessary.

He emphasizes the significance of her gesture, noting that while the poor will always be present, His time on earth is limited. This moment not only highlights Mary’s deep understanding of Jesus’ impending sacrifice but also underscores her willingness to offer her best to Him, marking her as a model of faith and devotion.

The Spiritual Legacy of Mary of Bethany

Mary of Bethany exemplifies true discipleship through her unwavering devotion to Jesus. Her actions, such as sitting at His feet to learn (Luke 10:38-42) and anointing Him with expensive perfume (John 12:1-8), serve as a model for Christians. Mary prioritized her spiritual life over societal expectations, demonstrating love and sacrifice in her pursuit of faith.

Her story teaches that true devotion requires both an intimate relationship with Christ and the courage to defy norms in order to grow closer to Him. Mary’s example inspires believers to prioritize worship, learning from Jesus, and expressing their love for Him, even in radical ways.

The Role of Women in Jesus’ Ministry

Mary of Bethany’s story is significant in the broader context of women’s roles in Jesus’ ministry. The Gospels highlight several women who played crucial roles in supporting and spreading Jesus’ message, and Mary is no exception. Her willingness to step outside the traditional roles assigned to women at the time and engage directly with Jesus’ teachings speaks to the inclusive nature of Jesus’ ministry.

By sitting at Jesus’ feet to learn, Mary defied societal norms and demonstrated her right to be a disciple, just like the men. This radical acceptance of women in leadership roles was revolutionary in first-century Palestine, and Mary’s story serves as an inspiring example of how Jesus empowered women in His ministry.

Theological Implications of Mary’s Actions

Mary of Bethany’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume carries profound theological implications. This extravagant gesture symbolizes deep love and devotion, central to Christian teaching. By anointing Jesus, Mary participates in God’s divine plan, foreshadowing the events of the Passion and Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice.

Her willingness to offer such a costly gift reflects the nature of true love, which prioritizes spiritual significance over material concerns. Jesus defends her actions, indicating their prophetic nature as preparation for His burial, thereby linking her devotion to the overarching narrative of redemption and sacrifice in the Christian faith.

Lessons from Mary of Bethany for Modern Believers

Mary of Bethany’s story provides a powerful example for modern Christians seeking to deepen their faith. By prioritizing time with Jesus over domestic duties, Mary demonstrated the importance of prioritizing spiritual growth over material concerns. Her extravagant act of anointing Jesus with costly perfume reflects a sincere devotion that transcends societal norms.

Mary’s willingness to make difficult choices in pursuit of a closer relationship with Christ challenges believers to evaluate their own priorities. Her story encourages Christians to engage in authentic worship, to seek a deeper knowledge of Jesus, and to live out their faith with courageous abandon, regardless of criticism from others.

Common Misconceptions about Mary of Bethany

Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, is often confused with other prominent Marys in the Bible, especially Mary Magdalene. However, it is crucial to distinguish between these figures to fully appreciate their unique contributions. Mary of Bethany is specifically associated with the stories of her brother Lazarus’ resurrection and her anointing of Jesus with expensive perfume, demonstrating her deep devotion.

In contrast, Mary Magdalene is known as a devoted follower of Jesus who was the first to witness His resurrection. While their stories intersect at certain points, each Mary played a significant role in Jesus’ ministry and the early Church, and their legacies deserve to be recognized individually.

Mary of Bethany in Art and Literature

Mary of Bethany has been a prominent subject in Christian art and literature for centuries, particularly depicted in the act of anointing Jesus. These representations emphasize her role as a model of piety and worship, showcasing her deep devotion and love for Christ. Her story has inspired numerous hymns, poems, and writings, contributing to her enduring legacy in Christian culture.

Artists often highlight the emotional intensity of her actions, reinforcing themes of sacrifice and faith. Through these artistic and literary expressions, Mary of Bethany continues to inspire believers, illustrating the importance of devotion in the Christian tradition.

Mary of Bethany in Different Christian Traditions

Christian traditions celebrate Mary of Bethany in various ways, emphasizing different aspects of her life and actions. In Catholic and Orthodox traditions, she is often revered for her role in anointing Jesus, symbolizing profound love and devotion. Conversely, Protestant traditions may focus more on her example of discipleship, highlighting her willingness to prioritize spiritual growth and learning from Jesus.

Additionally, liturgical traditions commemorate her through feast days and special services, underscoring her significance in the broader Christian narrative. These diverse perspectives reflect the richness of Mary’s legacy and her enduring impact on Christian faith and practice.

Lessons from Mary of Bethany in the Bible

Mary of Bethany, a prominent figure in the New Testament, offers profound lessons through her actions and choices. Her story, particularly in her interactions with Jesus, provides valuable insights for modern believers. Here are some key lessons we can learn from Mary of Bethany:

1. Prioritizing Spiritual Growth

One of the most striking aspects of Mary’s story is her commitment to spiritual growth. When Jesus visited her home, she chose to sit at His feet and listen to His teachings rather than busy herself with household chores (Luke 10:38-42). This decision highlights the importance of prioritizing our spiritual life over worldly concerns. In a world filled with distractions, Mary’s example encourages us to make time for prayer, study, and reflection on God’s word.

2. The Value of Worship and Devotion

Mary’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume (John 12:1-8) is a powerful demonstration of her deep devotion. She was willing to give something precious as an expression of her love and reverence for Jesus. This teaches us the importance of worshipping God with all that we have, holding nothing back in our devotion. Worship is not just about going through the motions; it’s about offering our best to God, even when it involves personal sacrifice.

3. Courage to Defy Social Norms

In a culture where women were expected to focus on domestic duties, Mary’s choice to sit and learn at Jesus’ feet was counter-cultural. Her actions remind us that following Christ sometimes requires us to step outside societal expectations. True discipleship may call us to make unconventional choices that prioritize our relationship with God over the opinions of others.

4. Trusting in Jesus’ Timing

When her brother Lazarus died, Mary showed great faith in Jesus, despite her grief (John 11:32). Even though Jesus didn’t arrive in time to prevent Lazarus’s death, Mary still believed in His power. This teaches us the importance of trusting in God’s timing, even when it doesn’t align with our expectations. God’s plans are often beyond our understanding, but like Mary, we are called to trust in His wisdom and timing.

5. Expressing Extravagant Love

Mary’s act of anointing Jesus with costly perfume was not just an act of worship, but also one of extravagant love. She didn’t consider the cost or what others might think; she simply wanted to express her love for Jesus in the most meaningful way possible. This lesson challenges us to love God and others with the same extravagance—giving generously, loving deeply, and serving selflessly, without counting the cost.

6. The Power of Quiet Faith

Mary of Bethany is often contrasted with her sister Martha, who was more vocal and active. However, Mary’s quiet faith and devotion speak volumes. Sometimes, the most powerful expressions of faith are not loud or visible but are found in quiet moments of surrender and trust. Mary teaches us that it’s okay to be still and simply sit in the presence of God, allowing His words to penetrate our hearts.

7. The Importance of Listening to God

Mary’s decision to listen to Jesus rather than be distracted by other tasks shows the importance of listening to God’s voice in our lives. In a busy world, it’s easy to overlook the need to sit quietly and listen for God’s guidance. Mary’s example encourages us to make space in our lives for this essential practice, ensuring that our actions are rooted in God’s will.

8. The Impact of Genuine Faith

Through her interactions with Jesus, Mary of Bethany displayed a genuine, heartfelt faith that left a lasting impact. Her faith was not just in words but was demonstrated through her actions—whether sitting at Jesus’ feet, expressing grief at her brother’s death, or anointing Jesus with perfume. Mary’s life shows us that genuine faith is lived out daily through our choices, our devotion, and our willingness to trust in God.

9. A Reminder of Jesus’ Compassion

Jesus’ interactions with Mary reveal His deep compassion. When Mary wept over Lazarus’s death, Jesus was moved to tears (John 11:35). This moment shows us that God cares deeply about our sorrows and is present with us in our pain. Mary’s story reminds us that we serve a compassionate Savior who understands our struggles and is always there to comfort us.

10. Preparing for Jesus’ Sacrifice

Mary’s anointing of Jesus not only demonstrated her love but also foreshadowed His impending sacrifice. Jesus Himself said that she was preparing Him for burial (John 12:7). This teaches us the importance of recognizing and honoring the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice, understanding that our acts of devotion and worship are a response to His ultimate gift of love on the cross.

In summary, Mary of Bethany’s story offers rich lessons on faith, devotion, worship, and trust. Her example challenges us to live out our faith with sincerity, prioritize our spiritual growth, and express our love for God in meaningful and sometimes sacrificial ways.

Characteristics of Mary of Bethany in the Bible

Mary of Bethany is a key figure in the New Testament, and her character is revealed through her interactions with Jesus and others. Here are some of the notable characteristics of Mary of Bethany:

1. Deeply Devoted

Mary of Bethany is best known for her profound devotion to Jesus. She demonstrated her commitment by sitting at His feet and listening intently to His teachings (Luke 10:39). Her devotion was evident in her willingness to prioritize her spiritual relationship with Jesus over the traditional roles expected of women at the time.

2. Spiritually Perceptive

Mary had a remarkable spiritual insight, understanding the significance of Jesus’ words and actions. Her decision to anoint Jesus with expensive perfume (John 12:3) shows her awareness of His impending death and burial, something even some of His closest disciples struggled to grasp. This act also reflects her deep understanding of who Jesus was and the importance of honoring Him.

3. Courageous

In a culture where women were often expected to remain in the background, Mary displayed great courage by stepping out of societal norms. Her decision to sit at Jesus’ feet, traditionally a position reserved for male disciples, was a bold move that reflected her desire to learn from Him. Additionally, her public act of anointing Jesus, despite potential criticism, shows her courage in expressing her faith and love for Him.

4. Emotionally Expressive

Mary was not afraid to show her emotions. When her brother Lazarus died, she openly expressed her grief to Jesus, falling at His feet and weeping (John 11:32-33). Her emotional honesty highlights her deep love for her brother and her trust in Jesus, believing that He could have saved Lazarus. This vulnerability and openness make her a relatable and human figure in the Bible.

5. Generous

Mary’s generosity is most clearly seen in her act of anointing Jesus with a costly perfume made of pure nard, which was worth a year’s wages (John 12:3). She didn’t hesitate to give her best to Jesus, showing that her love and devotion were not limited by material considerations. Her willingness to sacrifice something so valuable demonstrates her generous spirit and her understanding of the true worth of spiritual over material riches.

6. Faithful

Mary’s faith in Jesus was unwavering, even in the face of loss and sorrow. When Lazarus died, Mary still believed in Jesus’ power and expressed her faith by saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32). This statement reflects her deep trust in Jesus, despite her grief, and her belief in His ability to perform miracles.

7. Quietly Reflective

Mary is often portrayed as a contemplative and reflective person. Unlike her sister Martha, who was more active and vocal, Mary chose to quietly sit and listen. This reflective nature is a key aspect of her character, showing her preference for deep, thoughtful engagement with Jesus’ teachings rather than getting caught up in the busyness of life.

8. Loving

Mary’s actions throughout the Gospels are motivated by her deep love for Jesus. Whether it’s sitting at His feet, weeping at His arrival after Lazarus’s death, or anointing Him with perfume, each act is a reflection of her love. This love was not just emotional but was also expressed through tangible acts of devotion and worship.

9. Humble

Mary displayed humility in her interactions with Jesus. Her decision to sit at His feet was an acknowledgment of His authority and her role as a learner. Her humility is further demonstrated when she anointed Jesus, using her hair to wipe His feet, a task that was considered menial and lowly (John 12:3). This act of service illustrates her recognition of Jesus’ lordship and her willingness to humble herself before Him.

10. Faithful Friend

Mary, along with her siblings Martha and Lazarus, was a close friend of Jesus. The strong bond between them is evident in how Jesus frequently visited their home and in the way He was moved by their grief. Mary’s friendship with Jesus was characterized by mutual love, respect, and a deep emotional connection, highlighting the importance of friendship in the life of faith.

In conclusion, Mary of Bethany is a model of deep devotion, spiritual insight, courage, generosity, and faith. Her characteristics continue to inspire believers to pursue a close, heartfelt relationship with God, marked by humility, love, and unwavering faith.


Mary of Bethany’s story is a powerful testament to her deep faith and devotion to Jesus. Through her actions, such as sitting at His feet to learn and anointing Him with expensive perfume, she exemplified a profound love that prioritized her spiritual life above societal expectations.

Her willingness to engage directly with Jesus and express her emotions underscores the importance of authentic worship. Mary’s legacy continues to inspire believers today, reminding them of the significance of devotion, the courage to challenge norms, and the transformative power of a relationship with Christ in the pursuit of faith.



Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-44; John 12:1-8

Unique FAQ’s

1. Who was Mary of Bethany in the Bible?
Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus, known for her deep devotion to Jesus Christ. She is most famous for sitting at Jesus’ feet to listen to His teachings and for anointing Him with expensive perfume before His crucifixion.

2. What is the significance of Mary anointing Jesus?
Mary’s anointing of Jesus with costly perfume is significant because it symbolizes her worship and devotion. It also prophetically foreshadows Jesus’ burial, as He Himself acknowledges in the Gospel of John.

3. How is Mary of Bethany different from Mary Magdalene?
Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene are two different women mentioned in the Bible. Mary of Bethany is known for her acts of devotion toward Jesus, particularly in the stories of Lazarus and the anointing. Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, was a follower of Jesus who witnessed His resurrection.

4. What lessons can we learn from Mary of Bethany?
Mary of Bethany teaches us the importance of prioritizing our spiritual life, the value of deep devotion and worship, and the courage to challenge societal norms in the pursuit of faith.

5. Why is Mary of Bethany important in Christianity?
Mary of Bethany is important in Christianity because she exemplifies true discipleship through her love and devotion to Jesus. Her story is a reminder of the importance of faith, worship, and the willingness to give one’s best to God.

I am Santhidevi Kanneganti a passionate blogger dedicated to empowering women through my profound exploration of women in the Bible. With a mission to highlight the strength, wisdom, and resilience of biblical women, I weaves stories that resonate with modern-day challenges and triumphs. My work is not just about storytelling; it's about inspiration and empowerment. Through my thoughtful and insightful writing, I seek to uplift women everywhere, encouraging them to see their worth, potential, and leadership in every sphere of life. My voice is a beacon for those looking to reconnect with faith, purpose, and self-empowerment. My blog offers a fresh perspective on ancient narratives, translating them into empowering lessons for women today. As an advocate for gender equality and spiritual growth, my work is a blend of reverence for tradition and a call for progress, positioning me as a transformative figure in the world of faith-based writing.


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